The Don Bosco Institute of Management (the School of Commerce and Management of Assam Don Bosco University) has initiated a social commitment programme in the village of Joypur (Kharguli, Guwahati) where it is situated. The village of Joypur and the areas in its vicinity, have a predominance of low-income groups which are deprived of some of their basic needs. In a survey conducted by the students, it was realised that most of the school-going children could not afford tutorial classes because of low family income.
The Management students of the university formed a forum – PRAJJWAL in 2010 – to cater to one of the basic needs of these school children, by organizing free education workshops during the weekends. The students highlighted the problem during a cultural programme hosted by Prajjwal. The audience, consisting of students, parents and curious onlookers were all enthralled by the idea and thus prajjwal was born.
Highlights of the Programme
- Recurring – 2 hours every Sunday when the MBA program is in session free educational activities were conducted. Students of the same class are made to sit together at the same table so that it becomes easier for the tutors to concentrate on their requirements. Each table is assigned to one teacher and he or she is given complete responsibility for both academics as well as the extracurricular activities of those students.
- The Prajjwal Team conducts different competitions such as Drawing & Art Competitions, Memory Tests, different Outdoor Games, etc. among the students and awards prizes with the purpose of increasing the level of competitiveness among the students and also to encourage their hidden talents.
- Students are regularly encouraged and given opportunities to perform on the stage to showcase their talents like Singing (both individual and group), Dancing (both individual and group), Role-play, Speech, Poetry-Recitation, etc.
- In addition to the weekly tutorial classes, the regular activities of Prajjwal includes observation of important national and international days observed every year Rangali Bihu, Friendship Day, Independence Day, Teachers’ Day, Childrens’ Day, Gandhi Jayanti Day, Prajjwal family Get-Together, etc.
- Visits of renowned personalities from time to time also act as a morale booster for all the Prajjwal tutors and students.
- Average of 100 children’s educational needs addressed every year since 2010